Below you’ll find FAQ answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Goody Business Book Awards nomination process, awards categories and how you can promote your book award. This annual business book awards program is designed to amplify authors making a positive impact – with words.
The Goody Business Book Awards are presented by Goody PR to “Uplift Author Voices.”
While many book awards highlight authors who are a force for good, what makes the Goody Business Book Awards unique is that they honor 100% social impact books in 50 categories. Based on your specific areas of expertise, these awards can add great value to your marketing and public relations campaigns. The 50 categories are in 8 book genres, including: Business, Entrepreneur, Health, Leadership, Marketing, Money and Wealth, Self-Help and Technology, so that you can be honored for making a difference in your niche topic. There will be a total of 100+ Award-Winning Authors per year (50 Winners and 50 Finalists). After doing marketing and public relations campaigns for many authors for 15+ years, we felt that most business book awards did not give authors enough options for recognition that the Goody Business Book Awards can provide. Goody PR and Goody Awards Founder Liz H Kelly designed this annual awards program to recognize authors making a difference with words. Goody PR also created the Goody Awards for social good in 2012, and created these social impact book awards as a next step to recognize authors. The Goody Business Book Awards logo is a hot air balloon with a book as the basket to symbolize our mission: “Uplifting Author Voices.”
Any book that has been published by a publisher or self-published in the past 5 years is eligible. For 2025, any book published between 2021-2025 can be nominated for Goody Business Book Awards by the deadline: Sept 30, 2025.
Our focus is on Uplifting Author Voices to shine a light on their work and HOW they are making a difference – with words. With 46+ million books now published on Amazon, Authors need to find more ways to stand out beyond becoming a bestseller. Becoming an Award-Winning Author is a great way to call attention to a book and author’s brand.
Instead of having a broad “Business” category, we researched the most popular book topics and categories on Amazon. There are 8 parent categories for the Goody Business Book Awards, with 50 sub-categories to maximize your potential to be recognized within your area of expertise. For example, Business – Problem Solving and Health – Medical are a categories and sub-categories. You can View All Categories on the Nominate Your Book page. Below is the big picture of these parent categories:
- Business (13 Categories)
- Entrepreneur (3 Categories)
- Health (8 Categories)
- Leadership (6 Categories)
- Marketing (4 Categories)
- Money/Wealth (3 Categories)
- Self-Help (11 Categories)
- Technology (2 Categories)
You can Nominate Your Book – or a client or friend’s book for a Goody Business Book Award using this easy 3-step process: Step 1 – Select Your Award Categories – You can select 1-50 categories, based on your topic. Step 2 – Submit Your Book Details – Upload your Book and Cover as a PDF, and tell us HOW your book is positively impacting others – in 1 paragraph maximum. Step 3 – Submit Payment via Square ($75/category) to cover administrative costs, and then Wait for Judges to Announce Winners. All major credit cards accepted. Please complete all of the required fields, and write a great answer to the HOW your book is helping others question to provide background for our judges. This answer will also be used to promote the Winners and Finalists on our website. All Nominations are FINAL, so please carefully review your submission form before completing the process.
The final deadline is September 30 to submit your book to the Goody Business Book Awards. Below is the timeline and phases for our book award nominations and promotions to support authors.
- Phase 1 – Now – September 30 – Nomination Submissions Accepted
- Phase 2 – October 1 – November 14 – Judging
- Phase 3 – November 15 – Winners, Finalists and Top Impact Authors (3+ awards in 1 year) Announced
- Phase 4 – November 15 – February 1 – Promote Award-Winning Authors to add value to your holiday sales and book promotions
And because the Goody Business Book Awards are sponsored by Goody PR, we will promote the heck out of the Winners and Finalists in a press release, blogs, videos, social media and more.
Goody Business Book Award candidates will be judged by business and marketing professionals, along with avid readers who will evaluate books based on the cover, content, and social impact on others (HOW your book is helping others). Every book submission will require an answer to this important question during the nomination process:
1. HOW is your book helping others?
For example, authors should explain in a short paragraph how your book helps people save money, live longer, eat healthier, inspires change, helps entrepreneurs, be a better leader, market better, learn new things, and an endless number of ways your book is improving lives.
This HOW question requires a short answer (150 words maximum), so you have to be clear and concise.
Your answer will play an important role in judging. It will also be used to promote your book if you are selected as one of our Award-Winning Authors on our website. So take your time when answering this question on the nomination form.
The Goody Business Book Awards are presented by Goody PR, who are publicity pros. Our team will actively promote all Award-Winning Authors (WINNERS and FINALISTS) using different PR tactics.
- PRESS RELEASE – Goody Business Book Awards will actively promote all Winners and Finalists via a press release that reaches millions.
- WEBSITE BLOGS – We will feature all Winners and Finalists on our website with the Author, book cover, link to their Amazon page /website and HOW their book is helping others.
- SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTIONS – Goody Business Book Awards will leverage our social media channels to promote the Winners and Finalists, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and more using our @GoodyBusinessBookAwards accounts, plus the founder @LizHKelly accounts.
- MARKETING STRATEGIES – We will also use book marketing strategies in our Award-Winning book: 8-Second PR: New Public Relations Crash Course.
- PROVIDE MARKETING TOOLS TO AUTHORS – Award-Wining Authors (Winners and Finalists) will be emailed the awards seal(s) that can be placed on their book cover, plus custom banners that can be used on their website, press release, email newsletter, social media and more.
- BOOK AWARD PROMOTION TIPS – We encourage all Winners and Finalists to use these 8 New Award-Winning Author Promotion Tips – with examples.
Book Awards Trophy Order Form
All Award-Winning Authors have the option of purchasing a crystal engraved trophy for Goody Business Book Awards Winner, Finalist and Top Impact Author Awards to celebrate your book and wins.
This timeless crystal book awards trophy has been designed by Goody Business Book Awards with Crown Awards. This beautiful impact trophy is 8″ height x 2.5″ width, and is a made out of glass.
You can order your Book Awards Trophy using these 3 easy steps:
Step 1 – Complete our Book Awards Trophy Order Request Form below
To start the process, simply complete the book awards trophy order request form with your custom engraving. Goody Business Book Awards will then submit your order to Crown Awards, and connect you directly with them for steps 2 and 3.
Step 2 – Approve the PROOF sent by Crown Awards
We highly recommend that you carefully review the PROOF and make sure that it includes everything that you want on the award. Please double-check that your award has the right awards seal at the top, and that the words are spelling correctly.
Step 3 – Complete Your Order and Payment with Crown Awards
You will then complete your order, pay Crown Awards directly, and send any customer service questions to Crown Awards. You can also call or email Crown Awards directly once you fill out this order request form to start the process.
You will pay the Cost Only to Crown Awards: To support authors, Goody Business Book Awards is not marking up this book awards trophy. Instead, you will pay Crown Awards directly for the cost only.
Your cost will be $59.99 for the item – plus you will pay tax, shipping (they do internationally shipping too) – and the cost for additional characters (29 cents for anything beyond 40 characters).
EXAMPLE of PROOF from Crown Awards for Book Awards Trophy

***Important Note: While Goody Business Book Awards will start your trophy order process, all customer service requests should be sent directly to Crown Awards after this form is completed. Goody Business Book Awards has worked with Crown Awards in the past, and highly recommends them. However, Goody Business Book Awards cannot assume any responsibility for any Crown Awards issues once we connect you with them.
Visit Trophy Order Form.