Business - Travel and Hospitality
Book Title:Leading Travel and Tourism Retail: How Businesses Can Sustainably Capture New Profits in Shopping Tourism
Author:Sacha Zackariya
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Sacha Zackariya wrote "Leading Travel & Tourism Retail" to help retailers overcome their most difficult trading period and get them back on track.
Sacha wanted to provide decision-makers with an understanding of new consumer drivers, risks and opportunities post-pandemic, which has also recalibrated personal values and changed the way people travel and shop.
Since publication, this book has been read by retail and travel leaders and academics. Very little is written about this market, and it is the first book to help leaders navigate through both macro and micro issues, including climate change, policy changes and other political and economic factors.
In writing the book, 23,008 surveys, 500 interviews with international tourists, 1,000 articles & academic papers reviewed, and interviews with more than 40 key people, such as politicians, labour unions, and leaders from LVMH, Harrods & Global Blue, showed the significance of this market to the global economy.