Leadership - HR and Employee Development
Book Title:The Day One Executive: A Guidebook to Stand Out in Your Career Starting Now
Author:April Armstrong
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I discovered early in my career there is a huge gap between what many of us learn in school and what it takes to be a successful executive. The Day One Executive aims to close that gap, empower you to be the chief executive of your life and stand out as a future executive in your job starting on “Day One.”
When you choose to be a Day One Executive, you are in the driver’s seat of your career. You expand your sphere of influence and become someone who can make things happen. You won’t stay stuck in a bad job or working for a bad boss, because you know you have the power to create, and recreate, your career at all times. Your work has greater impact, which is its own reward, and you also increase your earning power.
Best of all, you get to live your legacy—and you can start right now, wherever you are.