2023 Awards – Self Help, General Books

2023 Winners Goody Business Book Awards Self-Help General

Self-Help - General


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Book Title:Letting Go of Your Ex: CBT Skills to Heal the Pain of a Breakup and Overcome Love Addiction

Author:Cortney Soderlind Warren


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At some point in our lives, almost all of us will suffer an excruciatingly painful breakup that absolutely rocks our world. The loss of our romantic partner may be so all-consuming that we feel addicted to our ex. Desperate to reconnect and understand what happened, we can become fixated on them as if we need them to survive. As if our life has lost all meaning without them by our side. As if we no longer have value on our own. As if we have lost our identity and purpose.

Letting Go of Your Ex offers powerful, evidence-based skills grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help manage the harmful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with a difficult breakup or divorce. Feeling addicted to an ex can leave people in a constant state of craving and withdrawal. Yet, we can emerge from breakups as stronger, more honest, and authentic versions of ourselves. This compassionate and practical guide was written to help people heal their heartache and start enjoying life again.

Learn more about this book:amazon.com