Health - Mind, Body, Spirit
Frazzlebrain: Break Free From Anxiety, Anger, and Stress Using Advanced Discoveries in Neuropsychology
Gina Simmons Schneider Ph.D.
FRAZZLEBRAIN is the first known book to address the link between anxiety, anger, and stress while employing groundbreaking remedies from neuropsychology. Readers of FRAZZLEBRAIN will learn how focused thoughts, intentional behaviors, and healing experiences shape the structure and function of the brain. They learn how to tame cynicism and hostility and generate more hopeful thoughts. Readers explore the relationship between the gut and the brain. They learn how time spent in nature heals the nervous system. Daily, routine, and random acts of kindness help connect us to others and strengthen resilience. Readers learn how to create healing experiences that can help the brain recover from trauma. Cultivating positive emotions changes brain chemistry and promotes good health and stronger relationships. FRAZZLEBRAIN includes 23 mood-boosting exercises to settle the nervous system and provide immediate relief from anxiety, anger, and stress.
Health - Mind, Body, Spirit
The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life
Mike Rucker
The Fun Habit is more than just a how-to guide—it’s a life-changing book that redefines our perception of happiness. It serves as a startling awakening in a world mired in illusionary pursuits of success and perpetual busyness. The book leads the reader to reevaluate what is “meaningful” by providing an effective toolkit that can be put into practice immediately. Backed by comprehensive research and personal experiences, the various tools found within will help you integrate more enjoyment into your daily life—making fun habitual rather than a rarity. The book offers a fresh, profound view on things like friendships, pursuing goals, helping others, and living in the present. For those who desire a balance between responsibilities and pleasure, The Fun Habit serves as a comprehensive roadmap—to better value our limited time, celebrate the act of living, and never again deprioritize the revitalizing power of having fun.