Book Title:The High-Value Writing Workbook: Write for Success in Work and Life
Author:Erin Lebacqz
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Teams and leaders can't succeed without intentional, respectful, clear communication. Leaders can use language to convey respect and build trust with employees; employees can use it to help the organization meet goals—and to build successful professional relationships.
This workbook helps all levels of employees write with strategy, intention, and clarity. The workbook includes stories, examples, before and after revisions, and lots of practice exercises! Users will even find links to related videos for those who like to learn through video and visuals. Supervisors can use the Discussion Questions in the Appendix to lead application discussions among their teams.
In the past, we've mainly learned only one set of writing goals: the informative goals. However, today's professional writing demands that we meet relational goals as well, using our writing to convey respect, build community, and balance power. Empower employees to meet both informational and relational goals!