Marketing - Branding
Book Title:Cultural Intelligence for Marketers: Building an Inclusive Marketing Strategy
Author:Anastasia Kārkliņa Gabriel
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In the past, advertising had detrimental effects on people by normalizing unrealistic beauty standards or portraying harmful gender roles. But today, a brand can build a marketing strategy that not only effectively sells the product but also meaningfully impacts society. This book teaches everyday marketing professionals how to produce inclusive marketing using an approach grounded in critical perspectives on society and the impact brands wield in shaping it. In this award-winning book, Dr. Gabriel teaches everyday marketing professionals how to create an inclusive marketing strategy using an actionable approach that draws on advanced insights into culture, identity, representation, and the power of media in driving social change. In this way, the book shows how marketing can drive profits and contribute positively to cultural representation, particularly when it comes to including audiences of consumers who've been historically overlooked and neglected in marketing efforts.