Business - Problem Solving
Book Title:Mastering Inductive Reasoning Tests: For Corporate Recruitment Purposes
Author:Georgios Kalogiannidis
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As the title suggests, this book is the ultimate preparation guide for online inductive reasoning psychometric tests.
In the book, there is a wealth of practical knowledge about the nature of the algorithm that runs behind the screen, the hidden and invisible traps inside these tests, as well as unique practical advice on how to cope with and overcome these challenges that all the competitive products fail in doing so. In addition, there is a plethora of practice tests, detailed explanations of the solutions, and high-quality visuals to ensure the best possible learning experience for the reader. At the end of the book is a Patterns Library, a pioneering attempt made in this manual to register all the possible major patterns a candidate might encounter in his evaluation in a single database based on the author's experience from its preparation and actual evaluations.