Health - Psychology
Book Title:SPLIT: a life shared: living with Multiple Personality Disorder
Author:Maggie Walters
How is your book helping others?
SPLIT is a story of hope in the face of some of the darkest trauma a human can experience. But also a story of discovery as it wasn't until I was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) that I was able to come to terms with my abusive history. Through SPLIT, I encourage others to see that a fulfilled life is possible, even with complex mental health challenges. I give the reader an honest look inside my complex mind as I face the normal daily routines, full of struggles and joys as I live with MPD.
It has been a privilege to share my story, speaking out about changing the narrative around mental health and how we can support each other. SPLIT is a tool to inspire. This is how we change the world, one life and one story at a time, where people are encouraged to persist and live the best lives they can.