Did you write a book that is positively impacting lives and deserves recognition? Are your words helping people live healthier, build long-term wealth, start a company, learn something new, buy a home, and/or think differently about a topic? If yes, nominate it for the Annual Goody Business Book Awards that honors 100% social impact books and authors making a difference – with words.
Authors, publishers, agents, and fans can nominate any book published in the last 5 years by September 30th.
To illustrate how this book awards program was created to shine a light on authors making a difference, we want to explain the branding, important author questions for the judges, and highlight 5 social impact authors.
Social Impact Book Awards Seal

Uplifting Hot Air Balloon Logo – Our Goody Business Book Awards logo is a hot balloon to symbolize our mission to “Uplift Author Voices”. If you look closely, the basket in the logo is the shape of a book that the balloon is lifting above a crowd. Similar to how each patch in a balloon lifts up its’ passengers, each page in a book can tell a powerful story. All social impact authors are like balloon pilots driving a narrative. Our goal is to magnify business books that are positively impacting the world.
Author Impact Questions
WHY and HOW? – When anyone nominates a book, we ask two author questions to highlight their positive impact. In one paragraph each, authors will be asked to share WHY they wrote their book and HOW it is helping others. Each answer is limited to a maximum of 150 words. The judges will look closely at the HOW, and this answer will be featured for Winners and Finalists on the Goody Business Book Awards website and social media promotions.
5 Examples of Social Impact Books
Lastly, we want to highlight five social impact books from our bookshelf with HOW the author’s words positively improved our life, and many others. These examples are meant to give you ideas for books you could nominate for these business book awards.
What social impact books are on your bookshelf?

1. Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and Have an Extraordinary Life! (2nd Edition)
Author: Blair Singer
HOW this book helps others: “Little Voice” is the chatter in the six inches between your ears that turns you into a hero one minute and a dunce the next. The 21 proven techniques presented here will reprogram the “Little Voice” in your brain in 30 seconds. In “Little Voice” Mastery, Author Blair Singer delivers strategies and techniques that will give readers the ability to: Maintain power in any pressure situation and stop debilitating chatter in their brain so they can attract what they want – now.”

2. The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress
Author: Chellie Campbell
HOW this book helps others: “The Wealthy Spirit is the only book that offers an approach to achieving both spiritual and financial wealth. Through a series of daily affirmations that focus on the reader’s internal strength and capacity for change, this book will set them on a path toward personal enlightenment and wealth in body, mind, and spirit.”

3. The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People
Author: Dan Buettner
HOW this book helps others: Bestselling Author Dan Buettner reveals how to transform your health using smart nutrition, lifestyle, and fitness habits gleaned from longevity research on the diets, eating habits, and lifestyle practices of the communities he’s identified as “Blue Zones”—those places with the world’s longest-lived, and thus healthiest, people, including locations such as Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. This book is filled with moving personal stories, delicious recipes, checklists, and useful tips that will transform any home into a miniature blue zone, and is the ultimate blueprint for a healthy, happy life.

4. TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
Author: Chris Anderson
HOW this book helps others: TED Talks helps readers create unforgettable speeches and changing people’s minds. Done right, a talk can electrify a room and transform an audience’s worldview; it can be more powerful than anything in written form. This “invaluable guide” (Publishers Weekly) explains how the miracle of powerful public speaking is achieved, and equips you to give it your best shot. There is no set formula, but there are tools that can empower any speaker.

5. Public Relations for Dummies
Authors: Eric Yaverbaum, Ilise Benun, and Robert W Bly
HOW this book helps others: Public Relations for Dummies provides proven techniques that maximize media exposure for your business. When it comes to public relations, nothing beats good word of mouth. Want to get customers talking? This friendly guide combines the best practical tools with insight and flair to provide guidance on every aspect of PR, so you can launch a full-throttle campaign that’ll generate buzz — and build your bottom line.
After nominating many clients for business book awards, we saw a need for a more comprehensive program focused on amplifying the social impact messages of authors. Book awards can also increase awareness of a book, raise an author’s credibility, increase sales, and attract more raving fans and clients.
All Award-Winning Authors can promote their award on their front cover, website, social media, blogs – and even send out a press release announcing the news! And P.S., the Goody Business Book Awards will be using many of the same platforms to promote the good that the Winners and Finalists are doing to make our world a better place.
So please join our mission and movement to “Uplift Author Voices” by nominating your social impact book, or your friend’s book by September 30. It’s an easy 3-step process that can be done in under 5 minutes here: Nominate Your Book.