2022 Award for Business – Economics

2022 Award for Business – Economics

Banner announcing 2022 winners and finalist in Business - Economics Books.

Business - Economics


The Voltage Effect: How to Make Good Ideas Great and Great Ideas Scale


John A List Dr.

How is your book helping others?

As The Voltage Effect states, “Scalable ideas are all alike; every unscalable idea is unique in its own way.” Ideas with “high voltage” are classified by a set of characteristics necessary for successful scaling. Success and failure are not a function of luck. The science of scaling provides the framework for assessing whether an idea is scalable, and if so, how to successfully take this idea to scale. Ideas with “high voltage” are classified by a set of characteristics necessary for successful scaling. One can identify if an idea is at risk of a “voltage drop” using what List calls,

Business - Economics


Untapped Talent: How Second Chance Hiring Works for Your Business and the Community


Jeffrey D Korzenik

How is your book helping others?

"Untapped Talent" encourages and supports the employment of people who have been marginalized from society and the workforce-- those whose past mistakes led to a criminal record. It is helping employers find needed workers in a labor shortage, and through employment helps people with criminal records rebuild their lives, benefiting their families and their communities. Since publication, the book has been highlighted by the Business Roundtable (through the Second Chance Business Coalition), the National Association of Manufacturers, the Aspen Institute, SHRM, numerous Chambers of Commerce and other business organizations, all of whom have given me opportunities to share the findings