2022 Award for Business – Novel

2022 Award for Business – Novel

Banner announcing 2022 winners and finalist in Business - Novel Books.

Business - Novel


Outsmarting Crazytown: A Business Novel about How Derailed Professionals Can Get Back on Track


Brenda Abdilla

How is your book helping others?

Outsmarting Crazytown teaches How Derailed Professionals Can Get Back on Track through the power of a story. Mike is a great guy who has a wife and young family in Spokane. He is the senior manager of IT for a small software company that has recently been purchased, and as a result, Mike’s life is about to change dramatically. Some alarming stuff happens at work that throws Mike into a bit of tailspin. All this change happens at a time when Mike is already questioning his choices and his future. He turned forty last year and is wondering about his

Business - Novel


Let It Snow: A Novel


Nancy Thayer

How is your book helping others?

A Nantucket shopkeeper discovers that Christmas is the perfect occasion to make unexpected friendships . . . to warm the coldest of hearts—and maybe even find love. Christina Antonioni is preparing for the holidays at her Nantucket toy shop, unpacking last-minute shipments and decorating for her loyal Christmas shoppers. But when her Scrooge of a landlord, Oscar Bittlesman, raises her rent, it seems nearly impossible for Christina to continue business on the wharf. Even so, Christina hopes there is a warm heart underneath Oscar’s steely exterior. When she bonds with Wink, his sweet, young granddaughter who frequents the shop, it