2022 Award for Self Help – How To

2022 Award for Self Help – How To

Banner announcing 2022 winners and finalist in Self-Help  How To Books.

Self-Help - How To


The Captivating Public Speaker: Engage, Impact, and Inspire Your Audience Every Time


Peter George

How is your book helping others?

I believe that everyone should be able to confidently share their knowledge and experience in a manner that resonates and serves their audiences. However, too often, people stand in front of others and merely talk about their topics, leaving audiences disengaged. But when people know how to captivate their audiences and positively affect them, everyone wins — the audiences because they get what they wanted and needed from the talk; the speakers because they fulfilled their responsibilities. My book helps them accomplish this.

Self-Help - How To


Box Lunch Lifestyle: Using Your Lunch Break to Win Back the Life You Deserve


Cheryl K. Johnson

How is your book helping others?

We have enough information about what to eat, and we know taking breaks are important, and we worry about putting off these small investments in ourselves. But when is this supposed to happen for busy working people? Without insisting that you get up earlier, or find ways to do more and more and more, this book shows habit-changers, dreamers, and fighters exactly how and when to start showing up for themselves on the most typical of days: at lunch. By spending just 15 minutes eating better food and 15 minutes pursuing what’s personally meaningful, that energy we need is ours

Self-Help - How To


Fast-Track Your Book! 222 Book Types For Building Your Business & Brand That Require Less Writing


Carol Abrahamson

How is your book helping others?

I’m hoping to change the world by making it easier for thousands of executives, experts, entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals to share their expertise with millions (of readers) as they too write and work to change the world. They want to create a business-building book but often find the demands of creating one daunting. So they never get started. My self help-how to workbook, Fast-Track Your Book! 222 Book Types For Building Your Business & Brand That Require Less Writing, makes the book creation process feel doable and gets them focused, organized and started. It guides them through my ultimate

Self-Help - How To


Guerrilla Warfare in the Corporate Jungle: Adaptations for Survival


KF Dochartaigh K F Dochartaigh

How is your book helping others?

This book helps people endure and survive in the corporate world by teaching them about three distinct areas. The first section teaches readers about their environment, how it shapes the culture and how to use the environment to survive. The 2nd section of the book teaches people to ‘know their opponent’, which shows the reader how to recognise the types of behaviour displayed by coworkers and managers and how to deal with any negativity from these interactions and continue on the track of success. The final section teaches the reader about themselves, as knowing themselves ensures they understand why they