Entrepreneur – Start Ups / New Business
The Venn Effect: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success Through Purpose, Second Edition
W.K. (Bill) Rader
My book guides the reader through my experience creating, running and selling 5 unique business over several decades. Each experience is highlighted with lessons learned at the end of each - both good and bad. In the book I don't run away from failure, but own all failure as well as celebrate my success. I also highlight my stories with articles i wrote for both Forbes and Inc. I wrote the book in my voice - I tell the story from beginning to end, all in my own words. I walk the reader from my earliest business as a young …
Entrepreneur – Start Ups / New Business
Confessions of an Entrepreneur: Simple Wisdom for Starting, Building, and Running a Business
Mark C Zweig
This book helps entrepreneurs avoid common mistakes and proactively build their business in a way that not only makes them money but serves their employees and their communities. There is practical advice that will help them succeed in business, but also in their personal relationships, for those relationships, as I painfully discovered, often suffer when launching and building a business.