Marketing / Sales - General
Write to Influence!: Personnel Appraisals, Resumes, Awards, Grants, Scholarships, Internships, Reports, Bid Proposals, Web Pages, Marketing, and More
Carla D. Bass Colonel, USAF (Ret)
Government agencies, corporations, private business, NGOs, academia, and individuals benefit from “Write to Influence!” Colonel Bass’ battle cries: “Powerful writing changes lives” and “Powerful writing is the lifeblood of effective organizations." With this book, you can: • Secure contracts and grants … write winning proposals • Land a dream job … craft a stellar resume • Score a big promotion … Nail input to performance reviews • Catapult a business … Craft gripping marketing material • Win support for worthy causes … Convey a puissant message • Open academic doors … Ace the college application essay Our office constantly employs …
Marketing / Sales - General
Marketer In Chief: How Each President Sold the American Idea
Jason T Voiovich
"Marketer in Chief" is more than a collection of history lessons and instructive stories. I believe our current political environment is trapped. We can't seem to see beyond "right versus left" and "us versus them." This book helps people see the president in a new way – not a caricature, but a real person facing tough problems, and (more often than not) doing their best to address them. When we see people as individuals, we're less rigid. We are more open to listening. And we might even be willing to change.