2022 Award for Money / Wealth – General

Banner announcing 2022 winners and finalist in Money & Wealth - General Books.


Freedom At Risk: How To Protect Your Personal And Financial Freedoms

Author: Tony Lopes

Published: 2022

How is your book helping others?

Freedom At Risk goes beyond educating how people, propaganda and profits are impact our freedoms. It also provides the readers several simple, actionable road maps to gain greater personal and financial freedoms. Great care was taken to define the differences between personal and financial freedoms, which then allows the reader to take action on multiple plans, both personal and financial, to protect themselves.

Freedom At Risk also introduces the reader to the concept of the Freedom Paradox. Which is the notion that we (society in general) will never be freer than we are today. Freedom is in a constant state of decay. That is a very bold statement and once understood, helps the reader understand why we need to protect the freedoms we have today.

Learn more about this book: freedomatriskbook.com