Are you an author who wrote a book that deserves more attention? If yes, please don’t miss the final deadline of September 30 to Nominate Your Book to the Annual Goody Business Book Awards.
Recognized as a “Top 8 Business Book Awards for 2023” by Write Business Results for their “societal impact” awards, the Goody Business Book Awards’ Mission is to “Uplift Author Voices” above the 46+ million books on Amazon – by shining a light on authors making a difference with words (which is every author).
Authors, Publishers, Literary Agents, Publicists and even fans can nominate any book published within 5 years (2020 – 2024) in 1-50 categories in 8 subject areas: Business, Entrepreneur, Health, Leadership, Marketing, Money/Wealth, Self-Help and Technology.
You can Nominate Your Book in less than 5 minutes using these 3 easy steps:
1. Select Your Book Category(s)
You have 1-50 Category Options (examples: Business – Innovation, Entrepreneur – Small Business, Health – Mind, Body, Spirit, Money – Personal Finance, Self-Help – Memoir, and Technology – Gamechanger).
2. Add Your Book Details
1) Upload Book PDF, 2) Upload Book Cover JPEG, and 3) Answer 1 Question: HOW is your book helping others? (it helps people save money, live longer, start a business, be a better leader, be inspired, market better and more).
3. Submit by the Final Deadline of Sept 30
And then Wait for Judges to Announce the 100+ Winners and Finalists by November 15.
And P.S., starting in 2024, all authors who receive 3+ Goody Business Book Awards will be honored with our Top Impact Author Award.

Being recognized as an Award-Winning Author can help increase awareness of your work, build your credibility as a thought leader, increase book sales, get press coverage, and gain more clients through the power of recognition.
And because every author puts their heart and soul into a book, we highly recommend that you nominate your book to our book awards – and others.
With only DAYS left to Nominate Your Book, below is our Goody Business Book Awards timeline:
– Sept 30, 2024 – Nominate Your Book before this Final Deadline!
– Nov 15, 2024 – 100+ Award-Winning Authors (Winners and Finalists) announced, just-in-time for your holiday book promotions.
– Nov 15, 2024 – January 2025 – We will promote all Award-Winning Authors through a multi-media marketing campaign.
Our 100+ Award-Winning Authors (Winners and Finalists) will also be encouraged to promote their business book awards by adding the awards seal to their book cover, website, press release, social media posts, video and/or blog.

In addition, the Goody Business Book Awards is sponsored by Goody PR, who will promote all Winners and Finalists via a multi-media marketing campaign (press release, website, banners, social media, YouTube videos, Reels, blogs and more) to support authors.
So please don’t miss this last call to NOMINATE YOUR BOOK for the Goody Business Book Awards by the September 30th final deadline here.

And to help you better understand how book awards have helped many of our top authors, below are some of their insights:
“Knowing that ‘Frazzlebrain’ has positively impacted readers lives warms my heart and motivates my work.”
- Gina Simons-Schneider PhD, Award-Winning Author, “Frazzlebrain”, Top Impact Author for Goody Business Book Awards (3 Awards, 2023)
“Thank you Goody Business Book Awards. There is no one that supports their award-winning authors like you do.”
- Mark Berridge, Award-Winning Author, “A Fraction Stronger” (Finalist, Self-Help: Inspiration )
“Visibility, credibility and recognition of your work in the literary community are reasons why as an author you should nominate your book to a book awards program. And if you happen to be self-published, you are constantly looking for ways to stand out above the crowd. This is an invaluable way to do so.”
- Connie Wang Steele, Award-Winning Author, “Building the Business of You” (Winner, Business: Career Success)
“I am over the moon for winning TWO book awards at the Annual @GoodyBusinessBookAwards 2023! I’m blown away that I entered two categories and I won both . Thanks for all who have supported me along the way.”
- Melo Calarco, Award-Winning Author “Beating Burnout Finding Balance” (Winner in both Heath: Wellness and Self-Help: Work-Life Balance)
And for all of the nominees and book fans, Founder Liz H. Kelly emphasizes, “Thank you for helping us honor writers who are making a positive impact with their books. Together, we can change the world – by recognizing one author at a time.”
So no more time for procrastination, NOMINATE YOUR BOOK today the Goody Business Book Awards by the September 30th Final Deadline here.