To help authors win book awards, here are 3 nomination tips for how to increase your odds of becoming an Award-Winning Author.
The Goody Business Book Awards’ mission is to “Uplift Author Voices” above the 46+ million books on Amazon. And we honestly want as many authors as possible to be recognized for their work.
So if you’re an author who wants to win book awards, but is overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to increase your chances of being a Winner or a Finalist, here are 3 helpful insights.
1. Follow Nomination Instructions to Help Win Book Awards
Along with writing a great book, it’s important to read the book award nomination instructions, prepare the documents requested to submit, and then don’t miss the deadline. For example, the Annual Goody Business Book Awards deadline is September 30, 2023, and many other awards programs have the same deadline.
Each book awards program defines eligibility requirements, has a submission process, and a deadline. For example, here are our 3 nomination tips to win book awards that apply to the Goody Business Book Awards program:
- Eligibility: You can nominate any book to the Goody Business Book Awards if it has been published within 5 years (2019-2023) by a traditional publisher, hybrid publisher or is self-published.
- Submission Process: It’s an easy 3-step nomination process that can be done in 5 minutes, if you’re ready. Authors are simply required to submit the book as a PDF, book cover as a JPEG or PNG, and a 1 paragraph summary of HOW your book is helping others – through words.
- Deadline: The final deadline to nominate a book is September 30, 2023, at 11:59pm PST.
To stand out, the most important thing for a Goody Business Book Awards nomination is to write a moving answer to the question about “HOW is your book helping others?” versus just copying and pasting your book description.

Because the Goody Business Book Awards honors 100% social impact authors, your “HOW is the book helping people” answer is one of the most important things that judges will consider when deciding on the Winners and Finalists. Please keep your answer to one paragraph because it will be re-published on the website for Winners and Finalists. And to increase your odds of winning, take the time to write this short “How” paragraph in a way that is clear, concise and compelling.
2. Strategically Select Best Categories to Win Book Awards in Your Subject Area
The next thing authors need to do is think strategically about the best Book Awards Categories to select when nominating your book. Think about your niche audience, and then apply to categories in your subject area. For example, if you wrote a book about your life story (many authors write memoirs), think about your area of expertise and submit to those categories.
For example, if you are a doctor or therapist, you may want to Nominate Your Book for the Health – Psychology or Health – Memoir Categories versus Self-Help – Memoir. As a healthcare professional, you want to win book awards in Health categories so your work stands out more in your field.
You can also nominate your book for multiple categories, which can also increase your odds of becoming an Award-Winning Author.
3. Apply to Multiple Book Awards Programs to Increase Your Odds of Winning
And our last tip to help authors win book awards is to apply to more than one program. While it may sound odd for us to recommend that you apply to other awards program, we really want you to do this so more authors can be recognized.
What you should do is Google “Top Business Book Awards”, and then carefully review several lists. Depending on your budget (most book awards charge an entry fee), you should apply to 2-3 awards programs. And please do your research on each program to determine what are the best book awards for you to apply too.
The Goody Business Book Awards was fortunate to be included in Write Business Results list of “Top 8 Business Book Awards” for 2023. We highly recommend that authors review this business book awards summary and consider applying to multiple awards by the deadline.
BONUS TIP: Stop Procrastinating and Nominate Your Book Today
And as a final bonus tip, time is running out to nominate your book for the Annual Goody Business Book Awards by the upcoming September 30th deadline. So no more procrastination! Nominate your book for 1 or more of the 50 categories based on your niche subject area.
And they stay tuned for the 100+ Award-Winning Authors (with at least 1 Winner and 1 Finalist in each category) by November 15, 2023.